Dominic Carter
9 min readNov 19, 2022


Child Advocacy Centers are Changing the World by Helping Children

The Heroes of the Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County in Wichita Kansas. Saving the lives of vulnerable children. Led by Interim Executive Directors Suzi Thien & Jean Hogan while the wonderful Diana Schunn was out on Sick Leave

Look at the faces in the above photo. Do you see what I see?

Do you see the resolve?

Do you see the dedication?

The professionalism?

Do you see the fact that they save the lives of Children each and every day.

Vulnerable Children. Children that have been abused.

Children that have been sexually abused.

They are the staff of the Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County in Wichita Kansas. November 4th, 2022, the Child Advocacy Center there held their annual Heroes Gala. The first such in-person annual event for a few years because of COVID. The theme of “Celebrating Heroes and Restoring Hope.” I (Dominic Carter) served as their keynote speaker. But it wasn’t about me. I was there to honor the phenomenal community work done by these professionals.

Wichita, Kansas. (Nov 2022) Dominic Carter received a standing ovation at a Child Advocacy Center Gala.

On this day in Wichita, upon my arrival it was about 75 degrees outside and beautiful. I thought what wonderful weather. But the next…



Dominic Carter

Dominic Carter is a Political Commentator/WABC Radio. Dominic also is a Keynote Speaker on Child Abuse, Foster Care, and Mental Illness.