Homeless All Time High in NY

Dominic Carter
4 min readMay 7, 2019


70 Percent are Women with Children…that have been rejected by the System

The Sign the Moment you arrive at the offices of WIN (Look at the schedule. It’s heartbreaking)

“70 Percent of the people in Shelter tonight are families with children, 25 percent are 6 years of age or younger, but their forgotten.” WIN President Christine Quinn

Billions have been spent on the homeless problem in New York City….It continues to be a sad state of affairs. On this day, the President and CEO of WIN, (Women in Need) Christine Quinn….had a lot on her mind.

“Most New Yorkers think the vast majority of those in shelter are homeless single men. Why do they think this…It’s who the New York Post puts on the cover in the most racist frightening way as possible.” WIN President Christine Quinn

New York’s daily homeless population stands at about 59,000 and the Coalition for the Homeless has just predicted the homeless problem will grow by another 5,000 if the city does not adopt new housing policies soon.

WIN CEO Christine Quinn

WIN, (women in need) is the biggest provider of homeless services to families in New York City…and they are raising another red flag. That the city’s intake system turns away many needy families that qualify for such services. Quinn is also the former City Council Speaker.

“It makes me enraged. enraged with anger. That somebody could look at a homeless mom, and a homeless child, late at night as their carrying two hefty bag, full of things, cause all your allowed to take is two bags, and who has luggage? if your experiencing homelessness…and look them in the face and say no go back to that batterer’s home. We’re going to pretend he’s not a batterer . Go back to your aunt’s home which is not going to work for you. Go back to living God knows where.” WIN President Christine Quinn

According to Quinn…of the families living in city shelters, 45% were initially turned away when applying for assistance at the city Prevention Assistance and Temporary Housing intake center in the Bronx…even though they were eligible and turned out to be qualified.

”They could say we don’t believe that you had to leave the place you left, and you should go back there. They could say you don’t have the right paperwork. Let me tell you, if I had to intake…if I had a child…I wouldn’t have the right paperwork. They could tell you that your story doesn’t make sense. They could come up with anything.” -WIN President Christine Quinn

“So the city is chasing that Glorious press release that exist in some day that says we are no longer at an all time high of homelessness.” -WIN President Christine Quinn

“This is my opinion as the CEO of WIN, their pushing people away from shelter so the numbers in shelter do not continue to grow….because they believe if the numbers grow…. they will be seen as having failed the homeless. Well you know what, we have an all time high in shelter. We have a system that’s pushing people out the door, who really qualify for help.” -WIN President Christine Quinn

Dominic Carter’s TV Story

Under Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “Turning the Tide” plan, The department of homeless services aims to build 90 new shelters around the city.

The Department of Homeless Services declined an on camera interview for this story…but issued this statement through a spokesman.

“This Administration has made unprecedented investments to prevent and address homelessness, driving down evictions 37 percent by increasing access to legal services, helping more than 109,000 men, women, and children secure permanent affordable homes, and streamlining a haphazard shelter system decades in the making, including implementing a host of reforms to make it easier for families to apply for shelter.” Spokesman Isaac McGinn

The statement goes on:

“While there is always more work to be done, our strategies are taking hold, we’re focused on taking that progress further, and we look forward to continuing to our collaboration with Win as we implement our five-year transformation plan.” Spokesman Isaac McGinn

Quinn wants the City Comptroller to investigate how the city determines which families get help — and how long they have to wait for it. You can click here for the audio of Dominic Carter’s full interview with Christine Quinn.



Dominic Carter
Dominic Carter

Written by Dominic Carter

Dominic Carter is a Political Commentator/WABC Radio. Dominic also is a Keynote Speaker on Child Abuse, Foster Care, and Mental Illness.

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